Perspective B.S. in Computer Science. Minor in Philodophy
Work Experience
Junior/Private Tennis and Pickleball Coach (2020-2022)
Coached 20-30 kids per day during school breaks
Provided private lessons during school breaks
Trained and managed other coaches
Technical Skills
3 years of training in programming
Packages: Pandas, Matplotlib, NumPy
Some experience with SQL, Javascript, C/C++, LaTeX
Relevant coursework:
Introduction to Programming with Python, Introduction to Data Engineering, Analysis of Algorithms, Foundations of Advanced Mathematics, Software Development, Networks and Systems, Data Structures
Leadership and Volunteet Experiences
Volunteer/Taiko Instructor for Kona Daifukuji Church (2015-present)
Taught Taiko fundamentals and techniques to students of all ages part-time as a part-time taiko instructor; still a volunteer in the present during school breaks
Organized concert in honor of 100 year anniversary for Kona Daifukuji church
Reached out to original alumni of Kona Daifukuji group and coordinated travel logistics.
Collaborate with 3 other Hawaii Taiko groups to take part in the concert.
Co-composed original song for concert
Willamette University Tennis (2021-2022)
Student Athlete for Willamette University Tennis; a member of the NCAA Division III